Monthly Archives: December 2014

Merry Christmas Folks….
19th December, 2014

Its almost Chriiiistmassss folks, we for one love this time of year. Spending time with family and friends, getting a few days off to reflect on the year past and thinking about what possible joys maybe in store next year. So without further ado, here indeed is a short list of Hee Haw Sessions confirmed […]

Posted in Gig

Farewell, Nick Talbot
5th December, 2014

The news that Nick Talbot (Gravenhurst) passed away aged 37 on 4th December saddened us. We don’t have any other words other than to ask you to listen to Nick’s music, keep it alive.–o We are shocked and saddened to share the news that Nick Talbot aka Gravenhurst has passed away aged 37. […]

Posted in News